Meet Jonathan, a dynamo of a kid who enjoys expending energy – whether it’s jumping around on a trampoline, dribbling a basketball, or splashing around in the pool! Jonathan was born in December of 2012 and is a self-described “happy kid” who likes to make friends and spend time engaging with people. Jonathan wants to be a police officer when he grows up to help ensure that “no one gets hurt or has to go to jail.”
Jonathan has been able to tolerate virtual school and is receiving services to assist him in dealing with frustrations and to communicate when he is angry or upset.
Jonathan is very aware that he has many food allergies, including being allergic to eggs, milk, and fish. He does, however, enjoy foods such as apples, bananas, carrots, and apple sauce. Jonathan has Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism Disorder which entails the use of a G-tube to meet some of his dietary needs. Jonathan is diagnosed with ADHD and PTSD for which he is on a medication regimen and receiving Wraparound services. He is also benefitting from Regional Center services such as speech and language therapy with specialized academic instruction to help with a Mild Intellectual Disability.
Jonathan is hoping to join a forever family that will help him reach his full potential and will also enjoy playing and finding joy in the here and now. If you can picture Jonathan as part of your family’s portrait, let us know. We’re ready to help you bring Jonathan’s future into focus! Photo Credit: Aura Aguirre
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