Giovanni is an adorable little boy who engages by smiling and who has a calm demeanor. Giovanni was born in July of 2020 with many challenges including Bilateral Ventricular Hemorrhages, Cerebral Palsy, Chronic Lung Disease, Central Sleep Apnea, and Global Developmental Delays. Giovanni is dependent on a G-tube for all of his nutrition and medication.
Giovanni is of Latinx descent. He is a ticklish toddler and really enjoys one-on-one attention. Giovanni really likes music and toys with bright lights and sounds. Giovanni is benefitting from Regional Center Services such as Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy which are helping him gain muscle strength as well as to reach for and hold objects.
If you feel called to care for one such as Giovanni, please let us know. This little one deserves a home, too. Photo Credit: David Tsay
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